Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Compression Socks?

Running obsession comes with searching the internet for everything running.  I'm seeing these compression socks everywhere, with some strong testimonials.  So, of course, I have to have them.  Or do I?  The word is that they are great for long runs, keeping calves from being sore and tired, and help with recovery as well.  Some people with shin splints and Achilles tendon issues are swearing by them.

Then there's brands.  And socks vs. sleeves.  Running is quickly becoming a money pit.  A lovely, lovely money pit.

Happy running and God bless!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

What a Weird Blog Name

Well, I guess a good first post would be to explain the blog name.  I wish I had a great story, but the truth is after two hours of being denied every name I could come up with, I just started typing random phrases with the word 'run' in it.  This one was the first one that was accepted, so...there you go.

If you haven't guessed, this blog will be about running.  And cooking.  And motherhood.  And a life in Christ.  And chickens.  Well, you get the idea.  I have a lot of interests and I will be babbling about them all.

I recently began running after a mere 13 year break.  Below is a picture of my two metals.  The first was from the year 2000.  The other is from July of 2013.  Both are 3rd place finishes in my age group.  My best guess is there were only three people in my age group.  I'm not a fast runner.  The last time I ventured into running, it lasted only a season and I limited myself to 3 miles.  Boredom set in and I was off to other thing.  

 I spent the next 8 years in karate, making it to 2nd degree black belt.

I've always been active.  I've been a bike rider, a weight lifter and a gym rat over the last 20 years.  But approaching 43, my sub-conscience seemed to be telling me to act my age, so sloth seemed to settle in fairly easily.  In early spring a friend from church got a couch to 5K app, so I encouraged her and told her about a great 5K I knew about coming up.  A few days later she e-mailed me the registration form with the simple text - "no pressure".  Why not?  I had been wrestling with how to handle the problem of having Summer clothes that didn't fit.  Lose weight or buy new ones...decisions decisions.  So sure, let's do this.  I made the decision the day of the Boston Marathon bombing.  Not sure what significance there is to that, but I thought it was worth mentioning.  Fast forward and the race was great, (we ran during a tornado warning, with lightening flashing, thunder rumbling loud in the distance.  Again, not sure of the meaning.) and I'm slightly obsessed.  I've been reading websites and blogs, and books.  I joined a runner's club.  I read Born to Run.   I've carefully but steadily upped my mileage.  Last week I ran 11 miles on my long run day.  I love it!  I am signed up for a 10K, a half marathon, and have been scouring the internet for a full marathon that fits my time frame and distance from home.  I am so thankful to my friend who, by getting off her couch, got me off mine as well.  At one point, she thought she would be content with sticking to 3.1, but I've been encouraging her to give it a go at going a bit farther.  I'm learning about running belts, GPS watches, GUs  and dry wick materials.  Dear friend and I huddle up and plan for Winter gear options.

And as a Christian, I always try to use running to glorify God.  I pray often during a run. I thank Him for a body that is putting up with my demands.  I thank him for being wonderfully made to be able to do such and amazing thing.  I think about how I can use running as outreach-maybe connecting with other Christians, or sharing the Good News with other runners.

I look forward to sharing my journey and hope to hear from others.  God Bless!

PS.  I can fit into my Summer clothes.